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Trash & Recycling

Hatfield Borough is a member of the Northern Montgomery County Recycling Commission (NMCRC), a group of 11 municipalities that work together to increase recycling and promote recycling awareness and education in compliance with the state’s recycling law, PA Act 101 of 1988, as amended.

For recycling information and Hatfield Borough’s recycling requirements please visit:

To view a list of approved haulers for business and residential, click here:

If you are looking for more recycling information, please visit: or 

When does the Borough provide curbside tree branch pick up?

The Borough offers curbside chipping and disposal of branches and limbs the first Monday in May and the first Monday in October. The Public Works crew will do one sweep through every neighborhood until all is picked up.
Only tree limbs and branches up to 6″ in diameter will be chipped, and absolutely no leaves, bushes, or other debris will be accepted.

*Christmas trees will also be picked up the first 2 Monday’s of each new year*

When does the Borough provide leaf pick up?

The Borough provides leaf pick up every Monday beginning the last Monday in October through the first Monday in December. Only biodegradable paper bags will be collected. They can be purchased at the Borough Hall for $.25 each.
No plastic bags will be accepted.

Does the Borough provide trash removal service?

The Borough does not provide trash service although residents can pick up recycling bins at the Borough Office. Residents must contract with a private hauler. The following is a list of some haulers in our area:

Republic Services, 215-723-0400
Waste Management, 215-257-1142
JP Mascaro & Sons, 215-721-1600
Advanced Disposal, 610-584-5450

How do I dispose of household hazardous waste products, such as old paint cans, oil, batteries, and cleaners?

There are several household hazardous waste collection days held throughout the year by Montgomery County. Please visit their website for a complete listing of dates, locations, items to collect, and other helpful recycling tips.

I’ve heard a lot about stormwater management in the news lately. How can I find out more about it?

You can contact the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Southeast regional office at:
484-250-5970 or online at More information is also available on our website under Stormwater Management.