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Sewer & Electric

Contact & Hours

Borough of Hatfield Office hours are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm. Wednesday 8:30 am - 6:00 pm. Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm.
For Sewer & Electric call (215) 855-0781, option 4.

Customer Portal: 


SEWER RATES (Residential & Commercial) 

Each customer's quarterly Sewer Bill is comprised of two parts. The first part is a fixed service charge of $50.00 per EDU. The second part is based on the amount of water usage recorded by the North Penn Water Authority (NPWA). Customers are billed at a rate of $5.00 per 1,000 gallons of water used.

ELECTRIC RATES (Residential Only) 

Residential Services rates are as follows:

$15.00 customer charge
$0.2111 per KWH for any part of the first 200 KWH
$0.1800 per KWH for all additional KWH's
Minimum charge, $15.00 per month

**A refundable security deposit of $325.00 is required when moving into a rental. Cash, check or money order only. 

 Electric Payment Reminder

Should the 15th fall on a weekend day, ALL payments must be put in the drop box located left of the entrance at the Borough Office (401 S MAIN ST.) by 8am Monday morning to be considered on time.

  • Payments may be dropped off during regular business hours or put in the drop box during off hours.
  • Payments sent by mail adhere to the same guidelines as listed above.
  • A postmark is not considered as “payment received”.
  • Please note that ALL electric and sewer payments must be presented with your payment stubs in order to ensure your account is properly credited. Failure to comply may result in improper application of payment.
  • Please do not put cash in the overnight box.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance - LIHEAP cash grants for heating assistance

Low Income Household Water Assistance - LIHWAP temporary emergency program for overdue water bills

These are both grant programs and more information and online application can be found at

Electric Payment Reminder

Should the 15th fall on a weekend day, ALL payments must be put in the drop box located left of the entrance at the Borough Office (401 S MAIN ST.) by 8am Monday morning to be considered on time.

  • Payments may be dropped off during regular business hours or put in the drop box during off hours.
  • Payments sent by mail adhere to the same guidelines as listed above.
  • A postmark is not considered as “payment received”.
  • Please note that ALL electric and sewer payments must be presented with your payment stubs in order to ensure your account is properly credited. Failure to comply may result in improper application of payment.
  • Please do not put cash in the overnight box.